Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

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Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

#1 Post by kai_oshiro » Mon Apr 18, 2022 11:28 am

Dear all,

Recently I tried to optimize CeO2 surface and the following error occurred.

"Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16"

So I changed the number of parallels in bands (NCORE) based on some web pages, but the calculations failed again with the following error message.

"Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 52 2 64"

Does anyone know what the "Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed." means?
I would also like to ask you about the meaning of minor changes in the "Returncode = xx x xx".

These calculations were performed in VASP 5.4.1.
Please see attached input files for calculation conditions and structure.

An attached folder failed with "Returncode = 12 2 16".
Changing "NCORE" from 4 to 1 in "INCAR" also failed with "Returncode = 52 2 64".

Best regards,
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Re: Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

#2 Post by merzuk.kaltak » Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:51 am

It seems you are studying a magnetic system without spacifying MAGMOM.
In this case VASP initializes all ions in your system with a magnetic moment of +1 and has troubles to find a meaningful DFT-solution and essentially crashes.
The error at the end of the job is certainly misleading. In newer releases, vasp would write a warning message at the beginning of the job indicating essentially what I wrote above.

In summary, using your input VASP assumes all ions in your system are magnetic, which judging from your input files is certainly not true.
What you probably want is to set MAGMOM to zero for all ions in your cell, except Ce.
You should provide these values for MAGMOM in the INCAR to help VASP find a meaningful solution.

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Re: Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

#3 Post by kai_oshiro » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:58 am

Dear merzuk.kaltak,

Thank you for your quick response.

I added the "MAGMOM" tag to "INCAR" and tested structure optimization.
However, it failed again with "Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed.".
Are there any mistakes in my input files?

MAGMOM = 48*1 96*0 1*0 3*0

Ce O N H
48 96 1 3

Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 52 2 80

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Re: Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

#4 Post by merzuk.kaltak » Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:23 am

Dear Kai,

I have noticed that the forces on ion 145 and 6 after the first step are very large (of the order of 45 eV/Angs):

Code: Select all

 POSITION                                       TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angst)
      3.83043     15.48255      4.25549         0.001296     -0.014540     -0.021840
      5.74573      7.74084      7.43783         0.007963      0.107197     -0.214257
      1.91460      1.10546      7.43846        -0.001618     -0.003746      0.039818
     -1.91632     14.37642      7.43788        -0.005849     -0.002887      0.049137
      5.74567     14.37664      7.43838         0.004111     -0.004181      0.047804
      1.91442      7.74109      7.43818        -0.007147     -0.000406    -45.203561
      9.57685      7.74107      7.43807         0.001149      0.007454      0.048404
     -3.83179     11.05862      7.43757        -0.007975      0.002850      0.043639
     -0.00068     11.05879      5.07440         0.000970      0.091020      0.016570
     -0.00088     13.27021      8.24658         0.002040      0.008263      0.085966
      1.91471      7.74106      8.93818         0.005205     -0.001504     43.934723
      1.91478      8.67823      9.33563        -0.000011      3.002130      0.118883
      2.72640      7.27246      9.33544         2.601102     -1.501536      0.118022
      1.10316      7.27246      9.33575        -2.597256     -1.498785      0.118157
    total drift:                                0.001670      0.002109     -0.100887
This is the reason why electronic minimization in the second step fails.

Inspecting your POSCAR with VESTA, I have noticed that atom 145 (N) is too close to atom 6 (Ce).
Moving ion 145 (N ion) upwards in the z-direction slightly, for instance, fixes the problem.
For instance following POSCAR can be used to start the relaxation.

Code: Select all

    11.4929079515999994    6.6354354250569996    0.0000000000000000
    -7.6619324408229996   13.2708708501130008    0.0000000000000000
     0.0000000000000000    0.0000000000000000   23.1280225572519988
   Ce   O    N    H
    48    96    1     3
Selective dynamics
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    5.745728355      7.740837137      7.437828852   T   T   T
    1.914602340      1.105464625      7.438461868   T   T   T
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    9.576852036      7.741068760      7.438067724   T   T   T
   -3.831793565     11.058618172      7.437567304   T   T   T
    3.830171472     11.058510617      7.437795470   T   T   T
   -0.000989656      4.423287576      7.438190983   T   T   T
    7.660920560      4.423591873      7.438137930   T   T   T
   -0.000621624     11.058777519      7.438395676   T   T   T
    7.661278502     11.058783146      7.437647712   T   T   T
    3.830098139      4.423362476      7.438124962   T   T   T
   -1.916588500      7.741217410      7.438112814   T   T   T
   -0.000678203      2.211547627      4.255348382   T   T   T
   -3.831774370      8.846958378      4.255145099   T   T   T
   -0.000662896     15.482609747      4.255438465   T   T   T
    3.830179456      2.211591384      4.255344097   T   T   T
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   -0.000723525      8.847138495      4.255563695   T   T   T
    5.745732195      5.529316315      4.255253162   T   T   T
   -1.916156413      5.529337683      4.254953490   T   T   T
    1.914742875     12.164695910      4.255307994   T   T   T
   -5.747169826     12.164963143      4.255352807   T   T   T
    9.576830975      5.529379708      4.255473614   T   T   T
    1.914617802      5.529306649      4.255339977   T   T   T
    5.745680612     12.164877852      4.255315933   T   T   T
   -1.916048452     12.164764673      4.255290848   T   T   T
    3.830187632      8.846934948      4.255407395   T   T   T
    5.746249522     16.588651147      1.090011102   F   F   F
    3.830021884     17.694489416      7.438157550   T   T   T
    9.577215743      9.953215722      1.090011102   F   F   F
    1.915278657      9.953215722      1.090011102   F   F   F
    7.661733154      6.635529969      1.089991223   F   F   F
   -0.000203932      6.635529969      1.089991223   F   F   F
    3.830766934     13.270965394      1.089991223   F   F   F
   -3.831170152     13.270965394      1.089991223   F   F   F
   11.492703174      6.635519952      1.089995195   F   F   F
    1.914661312     14.376703527      7.437810935   T   T   T
    3.830766088      6.635519952      1.089995195   F   F   F
   -0.000200132     13.270955377      1.089995195   F   F   F
    1.915277713      3.317790788      1.090002344   F   F   F
    5.746248578      9.953226213      1.090002344   F   F   F
   -1.915688508      9.953226213      1.090002344   F   F   F
    1.915282358     16.588661638      1.090002344   F   F   F
    5.746244877      3.317780297      1.090011102   F   F   F
    7.661736954     13.270955377      1.089995195   F   F   F
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    3.830308715     11.058592958      5.075067632   T   T   T
    1.913988588     16.588782937      8.246309778   T   T   T
    7.660870139      6.635096053      8.246010098   T   T   T
   -3.831831919     13.270521033      8.246024898   T   T   T
   -0.001200713      6.635745127      8.246592761   T   T   T
    5.745812097      3.317711132      8.246628330   T   T   T
    1.914769147     14.376643630      5.075209127   T   T   T
    1.914478548      9.952931802      8.246857594   T   T   T
   -5.747364302      9.953039817      8.246561080   T   T   T
   11.491928646      6.635517763      8.247263513   T   T   T
    3.829917968      6.635013981      8.246601576   T   T   T
   -0.000922861      4.423060868      5.074814651   T   T   T
    7.661366487      4.423464654      5.074722437   T   T   T
   -1.916127133      7.741246070      5.074500898   T   T   T
    5.745898783      7.741272526      5.074440533   T   T   T
    9.577212366      9.952893403      8.246965235   T   T   T
   -1.916946816      9.952875508      8.246041565   T   T   T
    3.830147718     15.482391500      6.623415473   T   T   T
    1.914484922      3.317120635      8.246814143   T   T   T
    1.914790417      1.105640602      5.074822391   T   T   T
   -5.747970603     12.164463457      6.623498256   T   T   T
    1.914537350     12.164290916      6.623328051   T   T   T
   -1.917004017      5.528949388      6.623046311   T   T   T
    5.744988587      5.529068181      6.622938145   T   T   T
   -0.001411806     15.482156565      6.623250188   T   T   T
   -3.832732793      8.846202860      6.622912053   T   T   T
    3.829517340      8.846295900      6.623187648   T   T   T
   -0.001226553      2.210859900      6.623370936   T   T   T
   -1.916302446     12.164549422      6.623151785   T   T   T
    5.745758292     12.164957705      6.623403443   T   T   T
    1.914062218      5.529074134      6.623463094   T   T   T
    9.576846545      5.529321584      6.623439074   T   T   T
   -0.000954515      8.847096452      6.623574615   T   T   T
    7.661410729      8.846961887      6.623258916   T   T   T
    3.829983038      2.211551067      6.623359066   T   T   T
   -3.831761099     11.058804914      5.074520269   T   T   T
    5.745359101      9.952382768      8.245914527   T   T   T
    3.830245899     17.694334441      5.074856313   T   T   T
    7.661536204      4.423784521      0.307915309   F   F   F
    7.661087988     11.058731530      5.074326780   T   T   T
    9.577245502      5.529819753      1.872078483   F   F   F
   -0.000392717     15.482642752      1.872043678   F   F   F
   -3.831363583      8.847207327      1.872043678   F   F   F
    3.830573503      8.847207327      1.872043678   F   F   F
   -0.000397363      2.211771902      1.872043678   F   F   F
   -5.746682130     12.165032661      1.871765810   F   F   F
    1.915254956     12.165032661      1.871765810   F   F   F
   -1.915715909      5.529597236      1.871765810   F   F   F
    5.746221177      5.529597236      1.871765810   F   F   F
   -1.915662561     14.376861508      0.308239829   F   F   F
    5.746274525     14.376861508      0.308239829   F   F   F
    1.915308416      5.529819753      1.872078483   F   F   F
    1.915303660      7.741426083      0.308239829   F   F   F
    3.830956437     17.694687334      0.307962051   F   F   F
   -0.000014429     11.059251909      0.307962051   F   F   F
    7.661922657     11.059251909      0.307962051   F   F   F
    3.830951792      4.423816483      0.307962051   F   F   F
    1.915250801     14.376640640      0.307926189   F   F   F
   -1.915720065      7.741205215      0.307926189   F   F   F
    5.746217021      7.741205215      0.307926189   F   F   F
    1.915246156      1.105769790      0.307926189   F   F   F
   -3.831367102     11.059219946      0.307915309   F   F   F
    3.830569984     11.059219946      0.307915309   F   F   F
   -0.000400882      4.423784521      0.307915309   F   F   F
    9.577240746      7.741426083      0.308239829   F   F   F
    5.746279282     12.165255178      1.872078483   F   F   F
   -1.915657804     12.165255178      1.872078483   F   F   F
    3.830953698      2.211803314      1.872088320   F   F   F
    3.829981943      4.423357273      5.074367155   T   T   T
   -1.916278258     14.376526746      5.074196352   T   T   T
    5.745574507     14.376578054      5.074122921   T   T   T
    1.914488212      7.741172164      5.074393403   T   T   T
    9.576771359      7.741163129      5.074242930   T   T   T
   -3.831310090      6.635287909      8.247497350   T   T   T
    1.915069621     16.588517348      3.445317957   T   T   T
   -1.915991366      9.953123550      3.445006523   T   T   T
    5.745778079      9.953147578      3.445063770   T   T   T
    1.914944539      3.317626332      3.444853138   T   T   T
   -3.831559777     13.270842568      3.444976758   T   T   T
    3.830213989     13.270664029      3.445441297   T   T   T
   -0.000535326      6.635217506      3.445230018   T   T   T
    7.661393764      6.635187083      3.445200178   T   T   T
   -5.747037609      9.953373033      3.445547896   T   T   T
    5.746014337      3.317887802      3.445617319   T   T   T
    1.915095620      9.953159295      3.445547350   T   T   T
    9.576869596      9.953122078      3.445292626   T   T   T
   -0.000258786     13.270842070      3.445776981   T   T   T
   -3.831369791      6.635328644      3.445475883   T   T   T
    3.830481032      6.635297648      3.445683285   T   T   T
   11.492527796      6.635271338      3.445774019   T   T   T
    3.830958343     15.482674164      1.872088320   F   F   F
   -0.000012523      8.847238739      1.872088320   F   F   F
    7.661924563      8.847238739      1.872088320   F   F   F
   -0.000676423     11.058794636      5.074398594   T   T   T
   -0.000882446     13.270205910      8.246579869   T   T   T
    1.914706460      7.741055436      9.438184366   T   T   T
    1.914782316      8.678227172      9.335626847   T   T   T
    2.726403296      7.272457172      9.335442710   T   T   T
    1.103161325      7.272457172      9.335752520   T   T   T

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Re: Error EDDDAV: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 12 2 16

#5 Post by kai_oshiro » Thu May 12, 2022 4:34 am

Dear merzuk.kaltak,

I am sorry for the delay in my response.

Regarding your advice, I confirmed that the calculation was completed successfully.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.


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