The workflow of the blocked-Davidson iterative matrix diagonalization scheme implemented in VASP is as follows:
- Take a subset (block) of
orbitals out of the total set of NBANDS orbitals:
- Extend the subspace spanned by
by adding the preconditioned residual vectors of

- Rayleigh-Ritz optimization ("subspace rotation") within the
dimensional space spanned by
, to determine the
lowest eigenvectors:

- Extend the subspace with residuals of

- Rayleigh-Ritz optimization ("subspace rotation") within the
dimensional space spanned by

- If need be the subspace may be extended by repetition of this cycle of adding residual vectors and Rayleigh-Ritz optimization of the resulting subspace:
- Failed to parse (Conversion error. Server ("cli") reported: "[INVALID]"): {\displaystyle math>{\rm diag}\{\psi^1/g^1/g^2/../g^{d-1}\}\Rightarrow \{ \psi^d_k| k=1,..,n_1\}
- Per default VASP will not iterate deeper than
, though it may break off even sooner when certain criteria that measure the convergence of the orbitals have been met.
- When the iteration is finished, store the optimized block of orbitals back in the set:
- Continue with the next block
- After each band has been optimized a Rayleigh-Ritz optimization in the complete subspace
is performed.
This method is approximately a factor of 1.5-2 slower than RMM-DIIS, but always stable. It is available in parallel for any data distribution.