I am examining the properties of several actinide compounds (uranium and plutonium based) which have a mix of bonding but display metallic characteristics with 5f states at the Fermi level. I have relaxed most systems using the Gaussian smearing method initially but have subsequently done some convergence testing on SIGMA for Methfessel-Paxton smearing on a subset of the actinide compounds, as well as bulk U and Pu metal. However, doing so for all the systems I wish to examine would take a lot of time, and I am unsure about whether consistent values of SIGMA should be applied to pure metals and their respective compounds (e.g. Pu and PuC). I am also using DFT+U and occupation matrix control and have already seen in some of my systems that the ground state can vary depending on whether ISMEAR=0 or 1. In addition, I also wish to generate phonon dispersion plots for structures which are believed to exist experimentally but have not been crystalographically identified therefore I am conscious that I should use Methfessel-Paxton smearing for this application to get accurate forces. Given the methodology and objectives outlined and for the number of systems involved, would it be appropriate to use the same SIGMA value identified for bulk U metal and Pu metal for a range of uranium and plutonium (ceramic) compounds?