Please note that the fast prediction mode is only supported as of VASP.6.4.0 or higher. Hence, you cannot refit with VASP.6.3.2 in such way that an ML_FF file suitable for fast prediction mode is generated. In addition, also the ML_FF file header mentioned on the Wiki was introduced in VASP.6.4.0.
Basically, the workflow to generate a "fast-prediction-mode"-capable ML_FF is to take your existing ML_AB database (from VASP.6.3.2 training) and run with VASP.6.4.0+ with the following INCAR tags present:
Code: Select all
ML_MODE = refit # Replaces ML_ISTART (do not use any more), "refit" sets ML_LFAST = .TRUE. automatically.
# Optionally more ML_ related tags...
Then, a new ML_FFN file should be generated. This file should contain a header which you can check for the value of the ML_LFAST tag (under Linux use this command: head -n 1 ML_FFN). Here is an example header (from VASP.6.5.0):
Code: Select all
ML_FF 0.2.4 binary { "date" : "2025-01-20T15:33:56.757", "ML_LFAST" : true, "ML_DESC_TYPE" : 0, "types" : [ "Li", "F", "Ca", "O" ], "training_structures" : 6, "local_reference_cfgs" : [ 12, 13, 11, 11 ], "descriptors" : [ 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856 ], "ML_IALGO_LINREG" : 4, "ML_RCUT1" : 8.0000E+00, "ML_RCUT2" : 5.0000E+00, "ML_W1" : 1.0000E-01, "ML_SION1" : 5.0000E-01, "ML_SION2" : 5.0000E-01, "ML_LMAX2" : 3, "ML_MRB1" : 12, "ML_MRB2" : 8, "ML_IWEIGHT" : 3, "ML_WTOTEN" : 1.0000E+00, "ML_WTIFOR" : 1.0000E+00, "ML_WTSIF" : 1.0000E+00 }
In addition, the ML_LOGFILE should also mention the selected ML_MODE and ML_LFAST values in its "MACHINE LEARNING SETTINGS" section. If you search for STATUS there should be a block describing a learning step where the actual refitting is done. A bit below you should also see a line starting with FFOUT where you can find the time stamp of the ML_FFN. This should match the time stamp given in the ML_FFN header. Here is an example (from VASP.6.5.0):
Code: Select all
STATUS 0 learning 3 T F 0 0
SPRSC 0 6 6 Li 12 12 F 13 13 Ca 11 11 O 11 11
REGRF 0 4 1 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.08283763E+09 9.50257178E+04
NDESC 0 48 Li 1808 F 1808 Ca 1808 O 1808
STDAB 0 1.23917504E-03 8.55869920E-02 3.57372296E-01
ERR 0 3.11887768E-04 5.01332550E-02 4.90157593E-01
BEEF 0 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.00000000E-03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
SFF 0 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.00000000E-03
STATUS 1 accurate 1 F T 1 1
BEEF 1 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.00000000E-03 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
SFF 1 4.40950083E-08 2.29713581E-09 1.99330699E-08 1.21395555E-16 2.00000000E-03
FFOUT 1 2025-01-20T15:33:56.757
I hope that clarifies a bit what output to expect upon refitting... let me just add that I would highly recommend to upgrade if feasible in your case. VASP.6.3.2 is from mid-2022 and a lot of updates, features and bug fixes were included in the machine learning code since then.
All the best,
Andreas Singraber