Convergence issues with CI-NEB/NEB calculation for alloy system in VASP
Hello everyone,
I am working on NEB calculations for an alloy system consisting of 128 atoms. I have defined and relaxed both the initial and final structures. Using the VTST scripts, I generated the intermediate images. However, despite multiple attempts with the following settings, the calculations fail to converge.
Due to the time limit on my university's cluster (7 days), I copy the CONTCAR file to POSCAR after each run and restart the calculation. It has now been running for over one month without success.
During this process, I visualized the structures in VESTA and noticed that the atoms seem to move significantly (and energy value is oscillating in OSZICAR), but I am not sure why this is happening. I suspect it might be related to the inability to find a stable intermediate state, even though both the initial and final states were relaxed before starting the NEB calculation.
I have also tried increasing the number of intermediate images from 5 to 9, but the results remain the same.
To force the calculations to complete, I temporarily adjusted the settings to NSW = 10 and EDIFF = 1E-5, but the results image were unphysical and inconsistent.
For more information, I run the calculation in the cluster and VASP version is 6.3.2. And below is the INCAR file that I used.
I read the previous post related to this topic, and I'm trying increase the intermediate images, set CL-NEB to FALSE, SPRING = -5, and the calculation is still running.
If my explanation is unclear, please let me know what additional files or information I can provide. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Code: Select all
## Output writing ##
## electronic settings ##
SIGMA = 0.01
ENCUT = 450
EDIFF = 1E-7
## Ionic / structure settings ##
NSW = 500
ISIF = 2
EDIFFG = -2E-2
IOPT = 3