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Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:32 pm
by tapeshg


I want to calculate the band structure of a 2D material with an applied electric field in the z-direction. First, I aim to verify if I can reproduce the original band structure with zero electric field applied. To do this, I used the following INCAR file for scf calculation:


SIGMA = 0.03
ENCUT = 400

SAXIS = 0 0 1
MAGMOM = 9*0

ALGO = Normal
AMIX = 0.1
BMIX = 0.00001
EDIFF = 1E-7

EFIELD = 0.8
DIPOL = 0.00 0.00 0.50

However, this did not reproduce my original results. Could you please help me resolve this issue?

Finally, I would like to calculate the band structure with an applied electric field of 0.8 eV perpendicular to the monolayer.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:07 am
by martin.schlipf

Could you elaborate please? Can you provide the two sets of input files that you used to produce the two different outputs? If the calculation is very expensive to run, please try to reproduce the effect in a simple cell.

The INCAR file that you provided has already an electric field so I would not expect it to yield the same results as one without.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 4:38 pm
by tapeshg


Thank you for your quick response, and I apologize for the confusion. I have set 'EFIELD = 0.0' in the above INCAR file. Here's a detailed explanation of my process:

1. I started with the following INCAR file for the self-consistent field (SCF) calculation of a unit cell of 2D NbSe₂. This gave the correct band structure after non-SCF calculations:


SIGMA = 0.03
ENCUT = 400

SAXIS = 0 0 1
MAGMOM = 9*0

ALGO = Normal
AMIX = 0.1
BMIX = 0.00001
EDIFF = 1E-7

For the band structure calculation, I defined the desired K-path (M-K-Γ-K’-M’) and modified only the following two flags, leaving everything else unchanged from the initial INCAR file:


2. Next, I aimed to calculate the band structure of 2D NbSe₂ with an applied electric field perpendicular to the plane. Before applying a finite electric field, I first attempted to reproduce the original band structure with zero electric field, using the same K-path and following INCAR file for SCF calculation:


SIGMA = 0.03
ENCUT = 400

SAXIS = 0 0 1
MAGMOM = 9*0

ALGO = Normal
AMIX = 0.1
BMIX = 0.00001
EDIFF = 1E-7

EFIELD = 0.0
DIPOL = 0.00 0.00 0.50

After the SCF calculation, I carried out the band structure calculation, modifying only the same two flags as in case 1, and keeping the rest of the parameters unchanged with the same K-path:


However, the results were not same as case 1, and the output showed random curves that were clearly incorrect. Could you advise on what might be wrong with this approach?

3. Finally, I intend to calculate the band structure with an electric field of 0.8 eV/Å applied perpendicular to the monolayer. Could you guide me through the correct steps for this calculation?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:06 pm
by martin.schlipf

If you compute a surface, you should (almost) always apply electrostatic corrections (IDIPOL/LDIPOL) even if you do not want to apply an electric field. Without these VASP will remove any dipole from your cell to achieve a continuous potential, i.e., any system that would have a dipole will be incorrectly described. By activating the corrections, VASP is free to include a discontinuity in the potential so that a dipole can form.

So for your calculation, I would predict that the first calculation has a different electronic configuration because VASP rearranged the electrons such that they cancel out any dipole the ions induce. In the second calculation, you allow for a nonzero dipole moment. You can run

Code: Select all

grep dipolmoment OUTCAR

to check that. If this output is nonzero than only the second approach is correct.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:35 pm
by tapeshg

Could you please outline the steps for applying an external electric field to a 2D material in the z-direction? I have found the following flags—are there any additional flags that I need to specify to incorporate this effect:

EFIELD = 0.8
DIPOL = 0.00 0.00 0.50

Also, do I need to perform relaxation calculations with these flags before the SCF calculations, or is that unnecessary?

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:19 am
by martin.schlipf

Yes these flags are correct assuming your surface normal is in z direction. DIPOL is not required, VASP will determine automatically where to put the divergence but you can avoid possible issues by setting it manually. Just make sure to have the correct position.

Additionally you may want to look into WRT_POTENTIAL to visualize the potential or LVACPOTAV to get a better plot of the averaged potential.

Regarding relaxation it depends what you want to simulate. If it is a short field pulse like light where the atoms would not have time to adjust not relaxing the structure would be appropriate. If the field is permanent the atoms would relax in reality then computing without relaxation is an approximation that may or may not be justified.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:06 am
by tapeshg
martin.schlipf wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:06 pm

If you compute a surface, you should (almost) always apply electrostatic corrections (IDIPOL/LDIPOL) even if you do not want to apply an electric field. Without these VASP will remove any dipole from your cell to achieve a continuous potential, i.e., any system that would have a dipole will be incorrectly described. By activating the corrections, VASP is free to include a discontinuity in the potential so that a dipole can form.

So for your calculation, I would predict that the first calculation has a different electronic configuration because VASP rearranged the electrons such that they cancel out any dipole the ions induce. In the second calculation, you allow for a nonzero dipole moment. You can run

Code: Select all

grep dipolmoment OUTCAR

to check that. If this output is nonzero than only the second approach is correct.

You mentioned that when performing calculations for surfaces or 2D slabs, I should always use the LDIPOL tag. I applied this tag in the SCF calculations for the 2D MoSe₂ structure, but the calculation did not converge. However, when I removed the IDIPOL and LDIPOL tags, the calculations converged successfully.

I have attached my INCAR and POSCAR files for your reference. Could you please review them and let me know which flags I should modify to achieve convergence? I have already tried adjusting the mixing parameter, but that did not resolve the issue.

Thank you for your guidance.



SIGMA = 0.03
ENCUT = 400

AMIX = 0.1
BMIX = 0.00001
EDIFF = 1E-7




3.3157939911 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
-1.6578969955 2.8715618300 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 23.3586500000
Mo Se
1 2
0.333333343 0.666666687 0.500014544
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.571561337
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.428467691


Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:46 pm
by ahampel


I just noticed your post and I am currently answering a similar problem for the same structure: . I found that VASP does not place the dipole appropriately in this structure (I think at least). Setting manually:

Code: Select all

DIPOL = 0.0 0.0 0.5

the dipole between two of the monolayers made the calculations converge in that example. Maybe give that a try.

Best regards,

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:32 pm
by tapeshg


Thank you for your quick response. Could you please explain why VASP does not correctly assume the center (DIPOL) for this structure? More generally, what types of structures require a manual selection of the DIPOL center?
Additionally, why did you choose this center (0 0 1) instead of something else, such as (0 0 0.5)?

Thank you.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:22 pm
by ahampel

Well I am by no means an expert, so if anyone sees this and is more experienced please do correct me in case it is wrong, but I read a bit about it here: ... -espresso/ . This is for QE but this of course holds the same way for any other DFT code. It is more about the fact that the blog post explains where the dipole should be placed. Since your mono-layer is in the middle of the cell I thought it is best to place the dipole in the vacuum, as explained in the blog post. Hence, my choice of 0.0 0.0 0.5 . But of course this should be tested. I just observed that the calculation seems to converge then w/o problems, and I understood from the VASP manual that it will probably not place the dipole for the correction there. I hope that helps.

Alex H.

Re: Electric field induced Band structure

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:11 am
by martin.schlipf

If you run into convergence problems, you can converge the structure without dipole corrections first and then afterwards activate them. Keep in mind that these corrections are small in particular if you do not have a large field or if you have a large amount of vacuum.

Alex already mentioned that the position of the dipole correction should be placed in the vacuum. You should do this because the dipole correction is a discontinuity in the electrostatic potential so it need to be somewhere where there is no electronic density. Otherwise the integral over potential * density does not converge.

Finally, if you are using VASP.6.5, you can also try the new kernel truncation method. This should allow you to use a smaller cell while getting the same results.