I am trying to calculate vibrational frequencies for a single atom adsorbed on a surface. I'm new in VASP community hence I made a mistake somewhere..... javascript:addtext('

I used the following INCAR file:
INCAR for frequencies calculation.
! Electronic relaxation
ALGO = Fast ! Algorithm for electronic relaxation
NELMIN = 8 ! Minimum # of electronic steps
EDIFF = 1E-6 ! Accuracy for electronic groundstate
ENCUT = 500 ! Cut-off energy for plane wave expansion
PREC = Accurate ! Normal/Accurate
LREAL = Auto ! Projection in reciprocal space?
ISMEAR = 0 ! Smearing of partial occupancies. k-points >2: -5; else 0
SIGMA = 0.2 ! Smearing width
ISPIN = 2 ! Spin polarization?
! Ionic relaxation
NSW = 1 ! One-step just to build Hessian matrix
IBRION = 5 ! Finite difference scheme for derivatives
POTIM = 0.02 ! Step for ionic movements
All ions are free to move along x,y,z.
What I got is an OUTCAR file with the electronic optimization and then
Finite differences:
Step POTIM = 2.000000000000000E-002
Degrees of freedom DOF = 27
LATTYP: Found a hexagonal cell.
ALAT = 4.9120000000
C/A-ratio = 4.0716612378
Lattice vectors: .......
Than the generation of the automatic k point mesh and nothing more. VASP
stops here, apparently without moving any atom for the hessian calculation using the finite differece. What I did wrong?
Thanks in advice for any precious suggestion.